Episode 488

"Sleep, Drink, Breathe"Dr. Michael Breus, Ph.D. The "Sleep Doctor"

Published on: 5th March, 2025

Dr. Michael Breus is a Clinical Psychologist and Diplomate of the AmericanBoard of Sleep Medicineand a Fellow of TheAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine. He is one of only168 psychologists in the world to have passed theSleep Medical Speciality board without going to MedicalSchool. Dr. Breus was recently named theTop SleepSpecialist in Californiaby Reader’s Digest, and one ofthe10 most influential people in sleep.Dr. Breus is onthe clinical advisory board ofThe Dr. Oz Showand wason the show 40 times.Dr. Breus is the authorofThe Power of When,(2016) a#1 at Amazon for Time Management and Happiness(#28 overall),a biohacking guidebook proving thatthere is a perfect time to do everything, based on yourgenetic biological chronotype. Dr. Breus gives thereader the exact perfect time to have sex, run a mile, eat a cheeseburger, ask yourboss for a raise and much more. Hisnewest book (2021)Energize! Go from draggingAss to kicking it in 30 days,adds the concepts of Movement (not exercise), andIntermittent Fasting to his already famous Sleep Chronotypes. It was also named one ofthe top books of 2021 by The Today Show.His second book,The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan: Lose Weight Through Better Sleep(2011), discusses the science and relationship between quality sleep andmetabolism. His first book, The Sleep Doctor’s 4-Week Program to Better Sleep andBetter Health (Dutton/Penguin), an Amazon Top 100 Best Seller, is a do-it-yourselfguide to better sleep.Dr. Breus has supplied his expertise with both consulting and as a sleep educator(spokesperson) to brands such as Hastens Mattresses, Ebb Therapeutics (FDAapproved insomnia treatment), Apollo,Princess Cruise lines,Six Senses Hotel andSpa,Lighting Science Group,Advil PM,Breathe Rite,Crowne Plaza Hotels, DongEnergy (Denmark),Merck (Belsomra), BOSE, iHome, and many more.Dr. Breus lectures all over the world for organizations such as YPO(YoungPresidents’Organization) 20+ times in 2018-19, AT&T (10 times), on stage forTony Robbins (Unleash the Power), hospitals and medical centers, financialorganizations, product companies and many more.For over 14 years Dr. Breus served as the SleepExpert for WebMD and is 

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The Jason Wright Show
Jason Wright
Jason Wright is on a mission to improve always in ALL ways. In his weekly show he interviews thought leaders, health and wellness experts, entrepreneurs or anyone else he thinks can add to his efforts to improve always in ALL ways. The philosophy is simple. Jason believes if he can reach as close to his full potential as possible it will not only benefit him but his family and community as well. Please tune it, tell your friends, your mom, your grandma, your enemies, your crushes and anyone else you can think of to listen to The Jason Wright show!